Alarm Systems
Our supplier is a leading USA/UK independent manufacturer of quality life safety electronic equipment with a portfolio of products that includes fire alarm control panels, fire detectors, voice alarm systems, disabled toilet alarm system, disabled refuge systems, nurse call systems, power supplies, and audio-frequency induction loop systems.
CAXTEC have complete systems to meet your requirements, from simple control systems to a state of the art digital systems computer links and full text graphical display units all with on-board audit trails, linked to a range of electronic sounders, bells, strobe lights and other interfaces to provide adequate deterrent warning within the premises. The system can be linked to our 24hr Control Centre, giving instant response to emergency services, Police, Fire & Ambulance Authorities, Guards, Key holder’s etc.
Disabled Toilet Alarm allows a distressed person to raise an alarm in the event of an emergency. To operate, the user simply press a button or pulls the cord of a ceiling pull unit to activate a light and sounder outside the WC. Alarm can be send central monitoring. Battery backup plus alarm running time in the even of mains failure. Available in both plastic and brushed stainless steel to suit any application from single zone to multi-zone, Conventional, Addressable and IP versions with Software monitoring. Attractively designed, easy to install and simple to use.
Door Monitor Alarms
Duress Panic Alarm
Intruder Alarm Systems
Panic Alarm System
Pool Alarm Systems
Room Status Monitoring
Security Monitoring