IE Groups
Securing your inventory from theft, ensuring that every transaction is complete and legitimate and optimizing employee productivity are keys to success in retail. Whether you operate a clothing store, convenience store or supermarket, Caxtec's integrated security solutions reduce shrinkage, protect assets and staff and drive profitability.
The movement of passengers and cargo by road and rail has been one of the most frequently targeted sectors for both terrorists and organized crime, creating a need for security systems that can be scaled to meet requirements. The ability to create co-ordinate responses to incidents is becoming increasingly critical. Caxtec helps meet these security requirements by providing access control, CCTV and intruder products.
Oil, gas and petrochemical facilities have specific, high risk security issues. In addition to normal business operating needs of their industry, they also have to comply with many stringent regulations associated with anti-terrorism. Other common issues, which are often multi-site, include health, safety and managing access levels and securing the facilities. All these challenges can be met with an integrated solution of Access Control, Video and other solutions from Caxtec.
Financial institutions provide an array of products from the world's largest institutions with assets greater than billions of dollars, to small towns with community banks and credit unions. These institutions face discrete challenges in today's spiraling economic climate. A banks ability to protect customers, staff, major assets and its premises is an important task for banks which strive to provide customers with a more open self-efficient service style of banking, which can also leave staff and customers more vulnerable to a physical attack..
In today's climate of violent threat levels in security, it is vital to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the most dangerous restricted access areas as possible. Electronic security helps achieve this and many other goals. Airports and airlines have to maintain a substantial growth in surveillance and security in order to meet the increasing threats from terrorists and others alike.
Securing millions of square feet worth of materials, equipment, people and information is not an easy task. With thousands of workers, visitors and contractors walking in and out of different areas, a watchful eye has to always be alert. Our industrial/manufacturing security professionals understand that in your industry ensuring that all facilities are safe and secure is vital to running a successful and profitable business.
Worldwide technology, media, data centers and telecommunications industries are highly technical, highly regulated, and highly competitive. Your business is about connectivity, networks, mobile platforms, wireless communications, systems integration and infrastructure solutions. Your main concern is to provide the highest security without interfering with your daily activities. Caxtec Advanced Security Solutions offers a comprehensive collection of information, insight, tools and services to make informed and profitable business decisions.
The healthcare industry is one of the most highly regulated of all industries and hospitals and healthcare systems present many challenges that require proven, integrated solutions. Caxtec's Healthcare solutions represent security management systems that are tailored to the specific standards, processes, and challenges of healthcare institutions. With an integrated solution from Caxtec Advanced Security Solutions, we can provide a proven application for your unique healthcare requirements.
Government offices take top priority when trying to protect their establishments. Agencies face extraordinary challenges to provide public safety. From regular day-to-day responsibilities of citizen inquiries and credentialing services, to emergency communications and response, all agency must be ready for anything and everything on a day to day basis and we can accommodate the security environment as well.
Religious organizations are subjected to hate crimes, discrimination, vandalism, and other heinous acts of crime. Protecting what is valued through religion by addressing its security through video surveillance, access control management and alarm panic features may enhance the house of worships livelihood and display comfort knowing that security is a big piece of the building.